Connecting with a New Generation

As the music streaming industry gets more and more convoluted, it has become increasingly difficult for Spotify to stand out and remain authentic amongst its competitions. With other brands offering less of a personalized experience - Spotify has the ability to go beyond the kind of music its current and future customers listen to. How do we create an authentic experience?

The Strategy

  • 81 Million people go to music festivals in annually in North America alone.
  • 82% of those people embrace company and brand activations at music festivals.
  • Almost seventy percent of festival goers in 2016 were aged between 18 and 30 years of age.
  • Based on music festival demographics, they are more likely to be male (59%) than female (41%). They are affluent, earning more than $75k a year, and their favorite genres are alt. modern rock, classic rock, and pop.
  • Putting more effort into reaching the most engaged 20% of your fan base can pay off. Not only will they spend more on festival day, but they’ll help spread the word and recruit new festival goers for you.

Behind the Sound

Spotify creates a physical experience at festivals - allowing users to sync up their Spotify account and learn more about the music they listen to. This experience will work with non-customers allowing them to learn more about the artists at the current event. Spotify will create a connection to the sounds that the user listens to now - and link them to the influences, the inspiration and so much more.

"The most successful brand activations at festivals appeal to fans’ base needs. Consider a modern version of Maslow’s pyramid, with WiFi and cell phones joining." - Rachel Grate for Event Brite


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